
Children's nursing 1

Ms V Wilson

6 points · 24 hours theory · 120 hours clinical · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based and student-driven activities this subject is expected to enable the student to conduct appropriate assessments required to evaluate the health status of the child and family experiencing a common childhood illness; establish caring relationships with the child and family which are congruent with the principles of family centred care; establish collaborative relationships within the multidiciplinary health care team; educate the child and family from both a health promotion and illness management perspective; deliver appropriate, holistic care for children and families with a common childhood illness; evaluate the health outcomes of the child and families experiencing a common childhood illness.

Synopsis This subject aims to introduce and develop nursing concepts, principles and strategies necessary to provide therapeutic nursing care for the child and family experiencing common childhood illnesses. The particular emphasis will be on the development of the nursing assessment, intervention and evaluation skills essential to providing supportive care for children and families within the hospital, ambulatory, multidisciplinary outpatient and community based health care services. A particular emphasis within the subject is the development of knowledge and skills related to teaching the child and family about their health and illness management.

Assessment Clinical performance assessment, clinical learning tools and health education lesson plan.

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