
Cardiac nursing 2

Mr D Glanville

6 points · 24 hours theory · 120 hours clinical · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based and student-driven activities, this subject is expected to enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical basis, preventive measures, nursing care and therapies related to the client with cardiac health breakdown; continue to develop skills and knowledge to competently and independently intervene in life-threatening health crisis situations; formulate and apply individual health adjustment goals and regimes to clients with cardiac health breakdown; describe the role of the nurse in client education and clinical teaching within the cardiac environment; appreciate the multicultural concerns of health care within the Australian population.

Synopsis The student will apply developing cardiac nursing knowledge and skills, utilising a case management approach to the care of the cardiovascular patient from initial health agency contact through to community care. Emphasis is placed on the nurses' role in assisting the patient to attain their optimum level of independent functioning.

Assessment Clinical performance standards, case management portfolio and written test.

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