
Child health crises

Ms V Wilson

6 points · 36 hours theory · 76 hours clinical · First semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student-driven objectives, this subject is expected to enable the student to assess the impact that a health crisis has on a child and family; consistently act in a manner which encompasses a family centred philosophy; identify the need for, and deliver appropriate nursing interventions which support the basic needs, comfort, and the growth and development of the child and family with a health crisis.

Synopsis This subject highlights the impact that a health crisis has on the growing child and family. Dimensions of nursing care aimed at supporting basic needs, promoting comfort and fostering the growth and development of the unwell child are framed within a context of family centred care. Within their particular speciality area students develop their knowledge of, and ability to initiate, interventions which support activity and exercise; elimination; nutrition; sleep and rest; hygiene; comfort; cognition and perception; and role relationship patterns appropriate to the developmental level of the child and family situation. A particular emphasis in the subject is the development of therapeutic interaction skills.

Assessment Critique and case study

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