
The growing child and family

Ms A Medhurst

6 points · 36 hours theory · 76 hours clinical · First semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student-driven activities, this subject is expected to enable the student to evaluate the physical and developmental level of a child; appraise family dynamics as they influence the health and well being of a child; acknowledge the role of the nurse as it relates to child health promotion and prevention of illness; value the importance of a family centred approach when caring for children.

Synopsis This subject aims to introduce students to concepts intrinsic to the growing child and family. The specific focus will be on perspectives of physical, cognitive and social growth and development of the child set within the context of the evolving family unit. Family life, role relationships, parenting and other family issues will be examined in relation to their impact and influence on the development and health of the child and family members. Frameworks and skills central to health assessment of the child and family are a major emphasis of the subject. The roles of health professionals in the promotion of child and family health and wellbeing are explored within a framework of family centred care.

Assessment Developmental case study and clinical skills assessment

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