
Research in health care environments

Dr C Beanland

6 points · 36 hours theory · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Following completion of this subject, through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student-driven activities, it is expected that students will be able to explore a variety of research based approaches used to improve nursing and midwifery practice; evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of such approaches in relation to the organisational environment; select an appropriate planned improvement to practice, based on the strengths and weakness identified; evaluate the efficacy of a planned intervention to improve care based on health care research practices.

Synopsis A variety of research-based practices currently used in health care to evaluate and improve patient care will be explored in the context of organisational behaviour, change and related literature. Students will engage in midwifery or nursing practice in their area of specialisation in order to consolidate their own skill and practice base within a health care organisation. Students will also apply the principles of the research approach in other related activities including quality assurance, epidemiology and program evaluation.

Assessment Written assignment and group research project.

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