
Health, caring, environment and technology

Ms D Mackechnie

6 points · 36 hours theory · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student-driven activities, it is expected that this subject will enable students to appraise philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of nursing with particular reference to the concepts of health, caring and environment; identify and explore contemporary economic, political, educational, technological issues with respect to their influence on health, caring, health care systems, nursing and midwifery; develop an understanding of the dimensions of advanced and speciality nursing practice through exploration of contemporary, professional discourse; explore how the issues identified above impact on/relate to particular areas of speciality nursing practice.

Synopsis The interrelated themes of health, caring, environment and technology are used to examine a breadth of contemporary issues in nursing and health care. These issues will include the influence of economic and educational policy on health care; changes in care delivery; technological developments; advanced practice roles and specialisation in practice. Students will use their particular area of specialisation to identify and analyse issues within the subject.

Assessment Students identify a contemporary issue and elect to prepare an oral presentation or an article for publication.

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