
Research utilisation

Dr C Beanland

6 points · 36 hours theory · First semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives Through a variety of in-class, clinically based, and student-driven activities, it is expected that students will: analyse various 'ways of knowing' and evaluate the role each plays in underpinning policies and procedures of health care organisations and professional nursing and midwifery practice; examine different resources available for identifying and obtaining relevant information; examine qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and evaluate issues of specificity and weaknesses of research findings as a basis for practice; perform identified nursing or midwifery practices and therapies within their area of specialisation; evaluate ethical issues relating to the synthesis of research and practice; develop critical evaluation skills through identification, critique and evaluation of the clinical specialty environment and its influence on the clinician, the researcher, the research process and research utilisation; evaluate the use of research utilisation models for the critical evaluation of a body of research literature relevant to a specialty practice or therapy.

Synopsis This subject builds upon students' basic knowledge of research to develop informed consumers and encourage students to explore research as a means of improving practice. A set of nursing or midwifery practices will be identified for students to explore in their area of clinical specialisation.

Assessment Critique of a research article, evaluation of current practice in relation to findings in the literature.

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