
Labour organisations 406

Not offered in 1999

Associate Professor M Pittard

6 points - Three 1-hour lectures per week - Clayton

Objectives On completion of the subject students should understand (1) the impact of laws (either through enhancement or restriction) which affect the right of workers to join together in trade unions; (2) the concept of freedom of association and the role played by the legislature and the courts in developing this concept; and (3) the development of the concept of the right to strike in Australian labour relations.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with the rights and obligations of associations of employees and employers and the relationship of the individual member to an association. Topics studied include the right to strike (the industrial torts and boycott laws; the right to picket); trade union recognition and status (questions of incorporation; role of unions and employer associations; trade union rules; right to membership); elections, secret ballots and remedies for election 'irregularities'; conscientious objection to union membership; equal opportunity and discrimination laws in respect of union members.

Assessment Written research assignment (2500 words) or class test (50 minutes): 30% - Final examination (2.5 hours) 70%


McCallum R C and Pittard M J Australian labour law: Cases and materials, 3rd edn, Butterworths, 1995

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