
Developing information services in schools

Offered subject to approval

H Singh

6 points - 1 hour per week in direct communication; 9 hours per week in directed reading, private study; 2 hours per week in assignment project work - First, second semester - Caulfield - Distance education - Prohibition: LAR5010

Objectives At the completion of this subject, students should be able to understand the issues involved in the development and management of convenient, accessible and cost effective information services that are aligned with the strategic directions of the school; provide excellent instruction and support for library and information services users; assess information needs and design and market value-added information services and products to meet identified needs; evaluate the outcomes of information use and conduct research related to the solution of information problems; appreciate the importance of research in informing information management practice in schools and analyse and critique research studies on selected topics in the field of information management with particular reference to schools.

Synopsis The course provides a broad overview of the current state of the art in information management in schools. It deals with the theory, applications and an examination of the relevant research on which current practice is based. This subject caters for students with knowledge and understanding of library automation and educational computing who want to examine the research on which current practice is based. It is designed for students who can appreciate, analyse and critique research in the field of information management. Topics covered include using library and information management systems in schools; school management information systems; applications and uses of educational software; online education; hypermedia and hypertext; evaluation and review of educational software; microcomputer access in schools; information literacy; network literacy and gender issues in educational computing.

Prescribed texts

School of Information Management and Systems Developing information services in schools Reader, SIMS

Recommended texts

Carrucan T and others The internet manual for teachers: Access and curriculum strategies Macmillan, 1996
Mcnally P Multimedia information resources Macmillan, 1997

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