
Image processing and computer vision

S Suthaharan

6 Points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisite: GCO1812, MAT1077

Objectives On completion of the subject the students will understand and describe the basic principles of image processing and computer vision; develop new techniques and algorithms for solving problems in these fields; use the structure and functionality of image processing and computer vision software to solve problems; describe the essential aspects of computer vision systems; apply modern analytical techniques in difficult problems; understand the importance of image processing and computer vision in information technology.

Synopsis Introduction to basic technologies, methodologies and algorithms for processing digital images by computer, colour spaces, pixel mapping, filtering, restoration, enhancement, edge detection, image segmentation and pattern classification, pattern recognition and image analysis techniques, image formation and transforms, human and machine vision systems, 2D and 3D shape description and recognition.

Assessment Assignments: 60%- Examination (2 hours) 40%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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