
Database management systems

L F Smith and D Taniar

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: GCO1811 or GCO2811 - Prohibitions: BUS2112, CFR2132, CFR3203, COT2132, COT2138

Objectives Students completing this subject should be able to understand hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented database systems and contrast the various systems' relative strengths and weaknesses; understand the special issues pertinent to multi-user database systems such as record locking, security, backup and recovery; develop a conceptual database model for a particular environment using the tools of entity relationship modelling, normalisation and object oriented modelling; from such a design, produce a schema file from which an efficient database can be generated; use interactive SQL within a relational DBMS to carry out database creation, loading and querying; and use embedded SQL to develop a multi-user database system.

Synopsis Overview of database management systems; DBMS file structures; introduction to the relational model; relational algebra, normalisation and relational design; ER modelling, object-oriented modelling, advanced features of the relational model; Database Design Language; the hierarchical model; the CODASYL model; alternative data models; physical database design; fourth-generation environment; database administration, database recovery and current trends in the field. Relational query languages; SQL; embedded SQL. Transaction management; concurrency control. Access to the university's computer systems through an internet service provider is compulsory for distance education students.

Assessment Assignments: 40% - Examination (3 hours): 60% - To successfully complete this subject students must achieve at least 50% of the total overall marks with a contribution to this total of no less than 40% of the possible marks from the assignments and no less than 40% of the possible marks from the examination.

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Recommended software

To gain maximum benefit from this subject it is recommended that students be running a 32-bit MS Windows operating system (Win 95/98 or WinNT).

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