
COBOL programming

3 points - One 1-hour lecture or tutorial per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: CSC1011 or CSE1301 (or other introductory programming course) - Prohibitions: BUS1042, BUS3522, BUS4620, CFR3308, CSC2920, CSC3920, CSE2392, GCO2811, GCO7824, SFT2205, SFT3205

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to understand the broad range of applications for which COBOL is suited. They should have the ability to understand and develop COBOL programs.

Synopsis The fundamental aspects of COBOL syntax and semantics are introduced, along with the file and data structures supported by the language. Experience in programming in COBOL forms an essential aspect of the subject. Various structured file types are introduced, as is knowledge of the types of applications for which COBOL is suited. Elements of good COBOL programming style will be presented. The differences between the various standard forms of COBOL, as well as the features of the new COBOL standard, COBOL 98 will be discussed. Material on more advanced data and file manipulation will also be presented.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% - Assignments: 30%

Recommended texts

Grauer R T and Villar C V COBOL from micro to mainframe: Structured COBOL programming 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1994
Stern N and Stern R A Structured COBOL programming Wiley, 1994

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