
Artificial intelligence

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: CSE2303 or CSC2030, CSE2304 or CSC2040 and either CSE2394 or CSE3394 or CSC2940 or CSC3940 - Prohibitions: CSC2091, CSC3091, CSE2309, DGS3691, GCO3815, GCO7835, RDT3691

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should have a working knowledge of basic search techniques, knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms, and planning systems; be able to analyse problems and determine which artificial intelligence techniques are applicable; be able to develop artificial intelligence solutions, either by implementing algorithms or using state-of-the-art software packages.

Synopsis Topics include history and philosophy of artificial intelligence; intelligent agents; problem solving and search (problem representation, heuristic search, iterative improvement, game playing); knowledge representation and reasoning (extension of material on propositional and first-order logic for artificial intelligence applications, situation calculus, planning, frames and semantic networks); expert systems overview (production systems, certainty factors); reasoning under uncertainty (belief networks compared to other approaches such as fuzzy logic); machine learning (decision trees, neural networks, genetic algorithms).

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 60% - Assignments: 40%

Prescribed texts

Russell S and Norvig P Artificial intelligence: A modern approach Prentice-Hall, 1994

Recommended texts

Poole D, Mackworth A and Goebel R Computational intelligence: A logical approach 1998
Wilensky R Common LISPcraft 3rd edn, Norton, 1990

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