
Systems design and implementation

J Miller

6 points - One 2-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial per week - First, second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: CSE1203 and CSE1205 - Prohibitions: BUS2071, CFR2126, CFR2161, CSC3151, SFT2201, SYS2071, SYS2161, SYS3076

Objectives On completion of this subject students will have an understanding of how to apply object-oriented design principles to commercial projects and be able to design and implement a system using an appropriate design notation and programming language; have an understanding of the object-oriented design process, modelling concepts, methods and design notation and have an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of the object-oriented paradigm, and the differences between the structured and object-oriented design approaches to developing systems; acquire the skills to use the appropriate tools for expressing an understanding of a system and for documentation purposes; be able to apply an incremental scenario-based approach in developing quality object-oriented systems; be familiar with and able to use the various software architecture styles and frameworks reusing the appropriate ones, and the notion of software specification and design-by-contract.

Synopsis This subject enables students to acquire the necessary skills when designing and implementing systems using an object-oriented approach. Topics to be covered include: object-oriented design notations (including UML) and object-oriented languages; software specification and design-by-contract; the object-oriented design process tasks and deliverables; the object-oriented paradigm, including abstraction, inheritance, client-supplier relationship, types, object-oriented design methods, abstract data types, implementation with different types of reuse, encapsulation, polymorphism, class libraries; software architecture styles and frameworks and design patterns. The emphasis of the subject will be on the development and maintenance of a system using an object-oriented design process and appropriate modelling language (UML) and subsequent implementation of that system using an appropriate object-oriented programming language. A substantial case study will be used to develop necessary skills and give experience of the issues involved.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 40% - Unit test and practical work: 60%

Recommended texts

Meyer B Object-oriented software construction 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Fowler M UML distilled Addison-Wesley, 1997
Rumbaugh J and others Object-oriented modelling and design Prentice-Hall, 1991
Waldon K and Nerson J Seamless object-oriented software architecture Prentice-Hall, 1995

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