
Computer science

6 points - Three 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour tutorial and one 3-hour laboratory class (3rd hour optional) - Second, summer semester - Clayton, Sunway - Prerequisites:Pass (P or better) in CSC1011 or CSC1021 or CSE1301 - Prohibitions: BUS2120, CFR1124, CFR1404, CFR7312, CSC1030, CSE1202, CSE1203, DGS1400, DGS2131, GCO1812, RDT1400, RDT2131, SFT1101, SFT1102, SFT2121, SFT2202

Objectives On completion of the subject, students should know about abstract data types; understand how computers work in terms of their underlying machine model and how such a model can be implemented from simple components; be able to write a simple program in machine language; and be able to write larger programs using more sophisticated data structures and algorithms than those covered in CSE1301.

Synopsis This subject develops core problem-solving and analytical skills for computer programming, and provides an introduction to computer systems. Concepts include problem abstraction and solution, abstract data types, design and analysis of computer algorithms and data structures. Topics include data structures - tables, stacks, queues, trees, abstract data types, modules; algorithms - insertion, deletion, iteration, merge, recursion, search, sorting, traversal of various data structures; computer systems - processors, stored programs, fetch-execute cycle, machine language, interpreters and compilers, expression evaluation, simple stack, register architectures, procedure invocation, data representation, addressing techniques; sufficient digital logic to describe how the memory (flip-flops), arithmetic (adder), and control (multiplexer) of basic computer components can be implemented from simple devices (gates).

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 60% - Compulsory assessed laboratory classes: 20% - Mid-semester tests: 20% - Students must obtain satisfactory assessment in both the examination and laboratory classes

Prescribed texts

Kruse R, Tondo C L and Leung B Data structures and program design in C Prentice-Hall, 1997

Recommended texts

Standish T A Data structures, algorithms and software principles in C Addison-Wesley, 1995

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