
Computer organisation

C Avram

6 points - Two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials/practicals per week - First, second semester - Caulfield - Prohibitions: CFR1125, COT1140

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should have the knowledge required to identify the components and structure of a simple multi-user operating system; the skills to competently use a job control language (JCL) such as a UNIX shell script or a batch job to control the operating environment and assist in the execution of application programs; the attitude and knowledge to use safely, and develop programs for, a multi-user operating system; the knowledge to be ale to read a simple program written in assembly language; the skill and knowledge to evaluate database structures and specify integrity constraints in simple situations; the skill to use a database management system (DBMS) product to implement a database.

Synopsis This subject aims to extend students' knowledge of the nature of a computer system. Topics include a revision of the fetch-execute cycle and assembler language, the features and capabilities of a modern operating system, data structures, file organisation, the database concept and the many different techniques for sharing different types of resources in a multi-user computer system. Students will prepare a specialised type of computer program called a batch job or shell script and investigate the use of a microcomputer database management system to solve common business problems.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% - Assignments (2) 15% each: 30%

Recommended texts

Englander I The architecture of computer hardware and systems software Wiley, 1996
McFadden F R, Hoffer J A and Prescott M B Modern database management 5th edn, Benjamin-Cummings, 1998

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