
Computer systems

R Gedge

6 points - Two hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials/practicals per week - First, second semester - Caulfield - Prohibitions: CFR1125, COT1130

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should have the knowledge required to identify the components and structure of a central processing unit (CPU) and memory; the knowledge required to evaluate the peripherals and data storage devices that best suit a particular business requirement; the skills to competently use a single-user operating system and to be able to identify and use common data communications equipment; the knowledge required to evaluate business and technical factors that affect data network design and installation. Student should also have begun to develop a professional attitude, in particular to develop an appreciation of the necessity of international and industry standards in computing and communications.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide students with a knowledge of the workings of computer systems together with an introduction to the methods of data representation and data communication. Topics include CPU and memory, instruction sets, the fetch-execute cycle, input and output devices, secondary storage, data representation, introduction to communications, transmission media and hardware, introduction to computer networks and the OSI model, Telecom services, network utilities and services.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% - Assignments (2) 15% each: 30%

Recommended texts

Englander I The architecture of computer hardware and systems software Wiley, 1996

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