
Computer science honours

48 points - Full-year subject - Clayton

Synopsis Each honours student undertakes a substantial individual project which may be selected from a list suggested by the school or of the student's own devising, subject to approval. The student may choose to undertake either an industry project worth twelve points or a research project worth twenty points. Both projects include writing a thesis and giving an oral presentation. The research project equips students for postgraduate studies while the industry project is intended for students who plan to pursue a career in industry. Not all students may be allowed to do a research project because of quota restrictions. In addition, students must take sufficient coursework units, each worth four points, to give a total of forty-eight points. Assessment is typically by practical work, written work and/or examination. Subject to approval by the coordinator, the student may replace two of these units with other subjects such as mathematics, electrical engineering, accounting or third-year computer science. It is compulsory for all students to take the communication and research skills unit. Further details are listed in the outline of undergraduate studies for the Bachelor of Computer Science.

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