
Health information systems management

B Ribbons

6 points - 4 hours per week - All semesters - Peninsula - Flexible mode - Prerequisites: CPE7602

Objectives At the completion of this subject, successful students should have an understanding of the applications and issues related to telehealth systems; the skills to develop a functional specification for a desired information system; an understanding of the role of policy formulation and organisational change in the health care environment; the knowledge and skills required to discuss and comment on issues of privacy and confidentiality; the knowledge and skills required to discuss and reflect on issues relating to their current and future working environment.

Synopsis This subject includes teaching about organisational change issues in health care environments, resource management (inventory, tracking and acquisition) and the role of policy formulation. The subject also covers consumer issues, standards and security and the provision of health information resources to health care workers. Relevant applications and issues related to telehealth systems and the management of health services

Assessment Strategy plan: 60% - Written assignment: 40%

Prescribed texts

Lorenzi N M and Riley R T (eds) Organisational aspects of health informatics: Managing technological change Springer Verlag, 1994

Recommended texts

Coiera E Guide to medical informatics the Internet and telemedicine Chapman and Hall, 1997
Hovenga E, Kidd E and Cesnik B Health informatics: An overview Churchill Livingstone, 1996
Van Bemmel J H and Musen M Handbook of medical informatics Springer Verlag, 1997

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