
Healthcare information systems

P Torokfalvy

6 points - 4 hours per week - all semesters - Peninsula - Flexible mode - Prerequisites: Nil

Objectives At the completion of this subject, successful students should have an understanding of the health information context; an understanding of general systems concepts and their application to health information systems; a knowledge and understanding of the information and processing required by typical health information systems; the knowledge and skills necessary to analyse, document and measure the performance of basic health information processes; an attitude that recognises that the demands of the health context determine the appropriate use of information technology.

Synopsis The subject provides an overview of the health system and how health data is collected, stored and communicated, and how that data is processed into health information suitable for administrative and clinical decision making. Issues such as the language of healthcare, coding of data, EDI, Health Level 7 are considered. Basic concepts of systems thinking are then developed along with a consideration of types of health information systems and the operational and control features of these systems. Interactions between systems and subsystems are considered along with operational transaction processing systems. Process modelling techniques such as data flow diagrams are introduced as a means of modelling health information processes. Consideration is given to understanding and selecting processes for innovation and construction of appropriate customer interfaces. Tools and techniques are presented to help analyse and understand health information processes. Consideration is also given as to how information technology has radically changed the way that health information processes are performed.

Assessment Essay: 40% - Assignment: 60%

Prescribed texts

Hersh W R Information retrieval: A health care perspective (computers and medicine) Springer Verlag, 1996
Whitten J L and Bentley L D Systems analysis and design methods 4th edn, Irwin, 1998
Anderson J and Poole M Thesis writing and assignment writing 2nd edn, Wiley, 1994

Recommended texts

Coiera E Guide to medical informatics, the Internet and telemedicine Chapman and Hall, 1997
Degoulet P and Fieschi M Introduction to medical informatics Springer Verlag, 1996
Hoffer J A, George J F and Valacich J S Modern systems analysis and design Benjamin-Cummings, 1996
Hovenga E, Kidd E and Cesnik B Health informatics: An overview Churchill Livingstone, 1996

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