
Client-server database systems

N Craske

4 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: COT 2132 or COT2138

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the function of each of the components of a client-server application; understand the principles of good client-server application design and be able to implement a system according to these principles; and appreciate the range of standards applicable to client-server systems, and understand the role played by each.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding, and practical experience in the use of the various components required to develop successful client-server applications. Both theoretical and practical approaches will be presented to the problems of building client-server applications. Topics include usage of the term 'client-server', components of the client-server; comparison of different client platforms (DSO/Windows, OS/2, UNIX/Motif, Windows NT, Windows 4); network issues; comparison of different server platforms (file server, database server, minicomputers, mainframe, distributed servers, MPPs, remote servers); software components - GUI tools (C code and MS SDK, Windows emulators, X-Windows); 4GL tools (Gupta, Powersoft); fully integrated tools (Oracle, Ingres); database systems (Access, Paradox, DB2 and look-alikes, Oracle, Ingres, Gupta, MS SQLServer, Sybase); connectivity (DRDA, IDAPI, ODBC protocols); WIN32 API; DDE and OLE; EDA/SQL; DLLs; management problems of client-server - security issues, software distribution, software inventory and licensing, costs.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% - Two practical assignments: 40%

Prescribed texts

Vaughu L T Client/server system design and implementation McGraw-Hill, 1995

Recommended texts

Bochenski B Implementing production-quality client/server systems Wiley, 1994
Dewire D T Client-server computing McGraw-Hill, 1993
Smith P and Guengerich S Client-server computing Sands, 1994

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