
Network security

Y Zheng

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives At the completion of this subject the students should be able to identify the various typical security exposures in networked information systems ranging from corporate local computer networks to global information webs, appreciate and evaluate the various fundamental techniques, especially those based on modern cryptography, for securing a networked information system, apply appropriate security techniques to solve typical security problems arising from a networked information system.

Synopsis The course will include introduction to computer networks, basic cryptographic techniques, security in the OSI architecture, security in Internet, security in networked computing (Kerberos, SPX, firewalls etc.), security in mobile computing and communications systems, security applications in electronic commerce and banking, including WWW, EDI, X.400, X.500, EFT, ATM etc.

Assessment Assignments: 50% - Written report (4000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Zheng Y Lecture notes on network security Monash U, 1997

Recommended texts

Cheswick W and Bellovin S Firewalls and internet security Addison-Wesley, 1994
Kaufman C, Perlman R and Speciner M Network security Prentice-Hall, 1995
Muftic S and others Security architectures for open distributed systems Wiley, 1993

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