
Fourth-generation languages

C Clemence

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second, summer semester - Peninsula - Prerequisites: CFR2201 or equivalent - Prohibitions: BUS3010, SFT2204

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the nature of 4GL's scope and application; understand the organisational impact of 4GL's development environments, and the process of selecting an appropriate 4GL tool; and know how and be able to develop applications in a Windows environment.

Synopsis Application development using 4GL; the application development environment; fourth-generation data; Why 4GLs? Historical background, evaluation criteria and techniques. Data dictionary concepts, systems prototyping, impact on SDLC, methodologies, recent development. Principles of graphical user interface design. System development using Developer 2000. A user's view of 4GLs - planning for success, defining the strategic use, costing and benefit of the 4GL environment.

Assessment Examinations: 50% - Practical work: 50%

Recommended texts

Chorafas D N Fourth and fifth-generation programming languages vol. 2, McGraw-Hill, 1986
Date C J A guide to Ingres Addison-Wesley, 1987
Holloway S Fourth-generation systems Nelson, 1991
Malamud C Ingres, tools for building and information architecture Nelson, 1989

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