
Propulsion systems

D Honnery

4 points · 24 lecture hours and 24 tutorial/laboratory hours · First semester · Caulfield · Prerequisites: TEC2972

Objectives Students are expected to acquire understanding and knowledge of aerospace propulsion systems and of fundamental thermodynamics as it relates to these systems.

Synopsis Topics covered are the first and second law of thermodynamics; the various air standard power cycles along with material covering their real gas behaviour; types of aircraft engines, their engine efficiency and performance in relation to aircraft operation; a basic introduction to fuel and combustion chemistry; an introduction to space flight power and propulsion systems.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments and laboratory reports: 30%

Recommended texts

Hill P G and Peterson C R Mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion Addison-Wesley, 1992
Kerrekrock A Aircraft engines and gas turbines MIT Press, 1977

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