
Professional communications

P Gregory

3 points · 12 lecture hours and 12 tutorial hours · First semester · Caulfield

Objectives To equip students with the skills to sell themselves within Australian industry and to relate to others in a beneficial way.

Synopsis The basics of communication, measurement of effectiveness, theory of learning. Computer-based learning. Perceived messages: body language, verbal, inflections, setting. One-to-one communication: negotiating skills, dealing with people. Group dynamics: working as a team, leadership, project management. Development of effective techniques for listening: problem solving, questioning, sifting of information. Speaking in front of others: planning, preparation, practising, presentation, etc. Information storage systems: written word, graphics, CD ROM, external hard disk, etc. Techniques for practical demonstration: use and design of audio visual aids, overhead projector programs, slide presentations, video teaching systems. The subject will include student development and presentation of a wide range of communication packages and group workshops, including evaluation and documentation.

Assessment Practical work: 100%

Prescribed texts

Bowbrick P Effective communication for professionals and executives Graham and Trotman, 1988

Recommended texts

Barass R Scientists must write: A guide to better writing for scientists, engineers and students Chapman and Hall, 1978
Beisler F Communications skills Pitman, 1987
Malouf D How to create and deliver a dynamic presentation Simon and Schuster, 1987

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