
Industrial electronics 1

A Zahedi

2 points · 18 lecture hours and 8 tutorial/laboratory hours · First semester · Caulfield

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of electronics.

Synopsis Electrical components in circuits; resistors, capacitors and inductors. Voltage and current sources. Fundamental laws such as Kirchoff's and Ohm's. Nodal and mesh circuit analysis methods. Thevenin's theorem. Transient and steady state response of first-order circuits. AC theory, phasors, impedance and admittance. Steady-state response of AC circuits. Semiconductor devices: diodes, transistors. Amplifier principles. Concepts of feedforward, feedback, stability and oscillations. Binary number system and fundamentals of digital logic circuits.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments and tests: 30%

Recommended texts

Boylestad R L and Nashelsky L Electronics: A survey 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1989
Schwarz S E and Oldham W G Electrical engineering: An introduction 2nd edn, Saunders, 1994
Zahedi A Industrial electronics Mi-tec , 1997

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