
Occupational health and machine maintenance

J Mathews

4 points · 24 lecture hours and 24 seminar/laboratory/tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield · Prohibited combinations: TEC3235, TEC3276

Objectives To develop skills and knowledge of the legal, technical and management aspects of safety and to develop an awareness of the impact of health and environmental issues in a company and acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of mechanical failures, machine reliability, maintenance policies and management.

Synopsis Safety: current experiences and future projections, the moral, legal and economic impetus for change. Principles of accident prevention: the methodology of safety. Review of requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act including ergonomics and noise. Environmental standards, methods of monitoring, regulation and the statutory authorities. Sources of mechanical failure: review and analysis. Factors affecting failure, failure rates, equipment availability and reliability. Maintenance policies: breakdown, preventative and on-condition maintenance. Spare parts and equipment replacement policies. Backup and standby equipment. Human factors in maintenance: danger tag and lock-out policies. Human relations issues and staff control.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments and tests: 30%

Prescribed texts

OHSA (Vic.) Regulations and codes of practice manual handling Occupational Health and Safety Authority Victoria, 1988

Recommended texts

Australian standards for conveyor safety, machine guarding, etc.
Carter A D S Mechanical reliability Macmillan, 1986
Hammer W Product safety management and engineering Prentice-Hall, 1985
Kelly A Maintenance planning and control Butterworths, 1984
Mathews J Health and safety at work Pluto, 1992

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