
Aerospace maintenance and management

D Honnery

4 points · 24 lecture hours and 24 tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield

Objectives Students are expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of the bodies that govern the regulation, certification and inspection of aircraft and aerospace equipment and of the management and maintenance of this equipment as well.

Synopsis Topics covered will be airworthiness authorities and regulatory bodies associated with the aerospace industry; aircraft certification and inspection; aircraft design categories associated with the certification and inspection procedure. Airline economics: operation, maintenance, costs and inventories associated with airlines. Case studies dealing with these topics with particular emphasis on the Australian aerospace industry and its relationship to South-East Asia and Pacific regions.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 60% · Assignments: 20% · Case studies: 20%

Recommended texts

Friend C H Aircraft maintenance and management Longman, 1992

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