
Aerospace workshop

J Price

4 points · 36 hours of practical workshop sessions · First or second semester · Caulfield

Objectives Students are expected to acquire knowledge and practical skills in the area of aerospace workshop practices and management.

Synopsis Topics covered are aircraft welding techniques; aircraft fasteners and fastening techniques such as studs, rivets and bolts; machining and milling of aircraft components; composites and resins used in aircraft and manufacture of the components, the techniques used in their repair and patching; workshop safety and associated OHS requirements. Management and operation of aerospace workshop facilities and aerospace production technology.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 40% · Assignments: 60%

Recommended texts

Class notes as supplied
DeGarmo E P, Black J T and Kohser R A Materials and processes in manufacturing 8th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997

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