
Digital systems 1

B T Harding

4 points · 26 lecture hours and 26 practical/tutorial hours · First semester · Caulfield

Objectives To develop an understanding of the digital computer and a working knowledge of digital logic circuits.

Synopsis The historical development of the stored program computer. Impact of the computer on society. Digital and analogue systems. Analogue and digital data, number systems, conversions, codes, use of parity. Binary logic, truth tables, basic gates and their equivalent forms, Boolean algebra and theorems. Karnaugh maps in design, minimisation, two-level logic forms. Sequential circuits: flip-flops, state machines, state tables, state diagrams. Standard packages: counters, shift registers, multiplexers, etc. Signed number arithmetic. Microcomputers, memory (RAM, ROM, discs etc).

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 80% · Practical work/Laboratory work: 20%

Preliminary reading

Hoffman P Archimedes' revenge: The joys and perils of mathematics Penguin, 1988

Recommended texts

Harding B T Digital systems Monash U, 1998
Tocci R J Digital systems: Principles and applications 6th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1995
Hayes J P Introduction to digital logic design Addison-Wesley, 1993

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