
Technological principles

V Kosse

4 points · 24 lecture hours and 24 tutorial/laboratory hours · Second semester · Caulfield · Prohibited combinations: TEC2355, TEC2356

Objectives To impart an understanding of the theory and practice of the technology used in manufacturing associated with simple liquid, gas and electric power systems .

Synopsis Fundamental aspects of fluid mechanics: fluid properties and their measurement, energy transfer and losses in fluid and hydraulic systems. Introduction to the units and measurement of thermodynamic properties: temperature, pressure and internal energy. System analysis: conservation of mass and energy including heat transfer. Basics of DC and AC motors with emphasis on electric power, generation, AC current, phase and power factors. Case studies involving analysis of hydraulic and thermo-fluid systems including such components as pumps, compressors, valves, motors, actuators, transformers, relays and motor starters.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Laboratory work, assignments and tests: 30%

Prescribed texts

Kosse V Technological principles (Course notes) Monash U, 1999
Norman E and others Advanced design and technology Longman, 1990

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