
Computer applications 1

H Okyar

3 points · 12 lecture hours and 24 laboratory hours · First semester · Caulfield

Objectives To provide an overview of the up-to-date computer applications, operating environments, and hardware.

Synopsis Introduction to computers. The end user perspective. Social and ethical implications of computerisation. Computing profession. Information super highway. Computer-based information systems. Understanding hardware and software. Operating system concepts. Computer viruses and how to avoid them. Data communications and networking. Buying a personal computer. GUI environments. Introduction to programming. Algorithm development. Modular programming using structured English.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% · Laboratory work and assignments: 40%

Recommended texts

Hutchinson S E and Sawyer S C Computers: The user perspective Irwin, 1992
McDaniel G (ed.) IBM dictionary of computing 10th edn, McGraw-Hill, 1994

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