
Technological design principles (mechanics)

Q Le

4 points · 26 lecture hours and 13 tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield

Objectives To introduce the fundamental principles of applied mechanics and to develop an appreciation of good design through the study of existing tools, structures and machine components.

Synopsis Forces in static systems, mass, concentrated and distributed forces. Static equilibrium of concurrent forces. Non-concurrent planar forces. Moment of a force, couples, free body diagrams. Overturning and restoring moments. Centre of gravity. Resistance to sliding. Structural systems: effects of forces on structural members, tension, compression, bending, shear. Examples of force systems such as bicycles, furniture, playground equipment, tools, building structures, machine components.

Assessment Examination: 70% · Assignments: 20% · Test: 10%

Prescribed texts

Di Toro N and Le Q Class notes on technological design principles (mechanics) TEC2132 Monash U, 1995

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