
Engineering practice

4 points · 2 lectures per week plus tutorials · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisite: MTE3503

Objectives To develop a knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of economic and financial management, micro and macro economic issues, technology assessment and project evaluation in a materials engineering context; an understanding of issues concerned with marketing technology; an understanding of the principles concerned with quality management; an appreciation of ethical issues in professional engineering; and a basic understanding of legal issues in professional engineering.

Synopsis Macro and micro economic issues. Cost accounting and technology assessment techniques including fixed and variable costs, discounted cash flow, nett present value, technology marketing. Total quality management philosophies, ISO 9000, quality assurance, defect data, statistical methods, quality insensitive design. Ethics and the engineering profession, legislation concerning occupational health and safety, industrial relations, product liability and intellectual property.

Recommended texts

Links P Marketing of technology Nelson, 1987
Nayak P R and Ketteringham J M Breakthroughs Rawson 1986
Peters T J and Waterman R H Jr In search of excellence Harper and Row, 1982

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