
Management theory and functions

Mr Vaughan Reimers

6 points · One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week · Distance, approximately 12 hours per week · First and summer semester · Gippsland

Objectives This subject aims to provide an overview of the major theories and practices related to the strategic management, structure and design of organisations within the current environment.

Synopsis After a broad introduction to the management role, the subject will focus on the historical development of management theory including: scientific, administrative, behavioural and contingency approaches. Also covered are the basic functions of management practice, planning, organising, leading and controlling. Throughout the subject management practice is related to management in a global environment with a strong focus on social responsibility and managing change and diversity.

Assessment (on campus) Assignment one: 20% · Assignment two: 20% · Tutorial: 10% · Examination (3 hours): 50%
Assessment (distance) Assignment one: 20% · Assignment two: 30% · Examination (3 hours): 50%

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