
Mechanics of machines 3

A Shrivastava

4 points · 36 lecture hours and 12 laboratory/tutorial hours · Second semester · Caulfield · Prerequisite: MEE3321

Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of analysis and synthesis of mechanisms and vibrating systems.

Synopsis Analysis and synthesis of planar mechanisms. Analysis of 3D linkages. Dynamic analysis of multidegree of freedom systems. Vibration measurements modelling of systems by D'Alembert and Lagrange equations. Simulations techniques. Damping in engineering systems. Vibration absorbers. Matrix methods of multidegree of freedom systems.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Tests, assignments: 30%

Prescribed texts

Shingley E and Vicker J J Theory of machines and mechanisms McGraw Hill, 1982
Thompson W T Theory of vibration Unwin Hyman, 1988

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