
Industrial noise and its control

L L Koss

4 points · 22 lecture hours plus tutorial and laboratory classes · First semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MAT2910

Objectives To develop competence in planning and designing to avoid noise problems, in identifying and solving noise problems and in using acoustical measuring and analysing equipment.

Synopsis Fundamentals of sound and sound propagation, wave equation, absorption, impedance and intensity, silencers. Transmission from one medium to another, applications and optimisation. Transmission through walls, mass law, coincidence and resonance. Sound transmission in the atmosphere, inverse square law, excess attenuation. Radiation of sound, directivity. Sound in enclosed spaces - reverberation, absorption, rooms for speech and music. Noise sources, noise reduction techniques, noise legislation and regulation, acceptable noise levels, hearing conservation, measurement and analysis of noise, design for low noise.

Assessment Examinations: 80% · Tutorials: 15% · Laboratory: 5%

Prescribed texts

Kinsler L and others Fundamentals of acoustics 3rd edn, Wiley

Recommended texts

Irwin J D and Graf E E Industrial noise and vibration control Prentice-Hall

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