
Systems integrity and maintenance

B T Kuhnell

6 points · 22 lecture hours, 10 tutorial hours and 12 laboratory hours · First or second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: MEC3404 · Prohibitions: MEC4436, MEC4437

Objectives To develop a basic understanding of selected management techniques as applied to the setting up and operation of plant maintenance; an appreciation of the various types of maintenance philosophies, including run-to-breakdown, time-based and predictive maintenance; knowledge of the variety of techniques available for monitoring the condition of machinery and the estimation of residual life from considerations of fracture mechanics.

Synopsis The basic concepts of industrial maintenance engineering. Topics include maintenance planning and scheduling, organisation of maintenance resources, quantitative techniques in maintenance management; queue theory; network planning and Monte Carlo simulation; preventive and condition-based maintenance, failure analysis, reliability engineering, computerised maintenance management and appraising maintenance performance. The T* integral limitation and growth rules; variable amplitude loading; and the alternating finite element method. Damage tolerant design principles.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments and laboratory work: 30%

Prescribed texts

Mathew J and Kuhnell B T Lecture notes in maintenance engineering Dept Mechanical Engineering, Monash U, 1989

Recommended texts

Kelly A Maintenance planning and control Butterworths, 1984
Kelly A and Harris M J Management of industrial maintenance Butterworths, 1983
Mann Jr L Maintenance management Lexington Books, 1983
Collacott R A Mechanical fault diagnosis Chapman and Hall, 1977

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