
Mechanics and deformation of solids

R Jones

4 points · 22 lecture hours, 11 laboratory hours and 11 tutorial hours · Second semester · Clayton · Prerequisites: CIV2221

Objectives To gain appreciation and understanding in the application of elastic and elastic-plastic stress analyses for beams and cylinders under combined stresses. To gain an appreciation of the effect of residual stress and its significance.

Synopsis Elastic stress analyses for round and prismatic bars (open and closed profiles) in torsion, combined bending and torsion, thick-walled cylinders, long and short beams, stress concentration, stress function and Castigliano's Theorem. Elastic-plastic analyses for bending, torsion and thick-walled cylinders. The concept of residual stress and springback will be introduced.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 80% · Assignment and laboratory work: 20%

Recommended texts

Johnson W and Mellor P B Engineering plasticity Van Nostrand, 1973
Timoshenko S Strength of materials parts I and II, Van Nostrand, 1956
Timoshenko S and Goodier J N Theory of elasticity McGraw-Hill, 1970

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