
Engineering management

H Okyar

4 points · 12 lectures, 24 tutorial and project hours · Second semester, Caulfield

Objectives To address topics on productivity and measurement, data collection and analysis, queuing theory and time management, project management, financial modelling, human factors and quality culture in a practical way.

Synopsis The students will investigate these issues using a 'business process re-engineering' based approach. These hands-on studies will start with a small system which the students will first observe, then describe its component parts; finally they re-assemble the essential components to make the system more productive and reliable. Different simulation tools will be used as the integral part of the investigation and solution processes. Communication skills will be developed through an emphasis on teamwork in investigating problems, and in reporting solutions to the problems.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% · Laboratory, project work and assignments: 40%

Recommended texts

McLeod R Management information systems 5th edn, Macmillan, 1993
Niebel B Motion and time study 9th edn, Irwin, 1993
Meyers F Plant layout and material handling Prentice-Hall, 1993

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