
Mechatronics design

Y Ibrahim

4 points · 39 hours lectures/tutorials/project; 13 hours supported self-study · First semester: Gippsland/Distance · Prerequisites: ENG1902

Objectives The subject will introduce mechatronics as a multidisciplinary field of engineering. Students will develop an understanding of the prime components of mechatronics through an overview of integrated mechatronics systems with various domestic and industrial practical examples. A preview will be given of topics such as robotics, vision systems and sensing.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to mechatronics terminologies, history and domestic and industrial examples. A preview will be given of topics such as robotics, vision systems, sensing and artificial intelligence. Through this subject students will become skilled in synthesising solutions to open-ended design problems at an intermediate level of complexity in mechatronics. They will also develop skills in the management of design projects requiring the solution of such problems. Through the design project students will gain deeper understanding of the concepts and methods of designing for quality, of managing variability and of integrating design with downstream manufacturing operations. Subject material includes concurrent design systems and products. Students are introduced to quality assurance in engineering design: lifecycle design, quality function deployment, casual networks and failure modes and effect analyses, ISO 9001 and traceability of critical decisions. How to design a mechatronics product for reliability and maintainability will also be considered.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% · Assignment/projects: 40%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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