
Engineering computer techiques

G G Vains

4 points · 13 lecture hours, 26 laboratory hours, 13 hrs supported self-study; DE students equivalent: 104 hrs private study · First semester · Gippsland/Distance · Prerequisite: ENG1602

Objectives This subject builds upon the computing techniques developed in ENG1602 (Engineering computing). The subject aims to develop in the student competence in macro programming within a spreadsheet environment to facilitate engineering analysis tasks and the knowledge and skills needed to perform basic tasks within an integrated object oriented programming development environment. The overall objective is to lay the computer language literacy foundation, within the engineering context, for subsequent engineering application subjects.

Synopsis The subject introduces the use of advanced analysis tools within the spreadsheet environment. Students are taught to apply the tools to optimised solutions using inequality constraints, numerical integration and regression techniques and analysis. Programming a spreadsheet environment using embedded macro languages: Windows controls, procedures, and user defined functions. Introduction to the object oriented programming paradigm. Development of Windows executable files using event driven code. The use of an integrated development environment with editor, resource manager, compiler and debugger. Programming elementary engineering problems using events, properties and methods declared for library controls.
Student requirements DE students are required to have access to a Windows 95+ capable computer. Essential software: Microsoft Excel 5+, Borland Delphi 3.

Assessment Theory examination (2 hours): 40% · Laboratory-based assignments: 60% (these are work requirements)

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Recommended texts

Computer manuals for prescribed software

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