
Digital electronics I

G Chetty

4 points · 27 lectures/tutorials, 12 laboratory hours, 13 hours supported self-study, DE students 104 hours · First semester: Gippsland/ Distance · Prerequisite: ENG1301

Objectives To develop the basic knowledge and gain an understanding of the operation and application of combinational logic circuits and microprocessors and their limitations, analysis and design in practical applications.

Synopsis A detailed study of TTL, CMOS and related logic gates. Logic functions, circuits, Karnaugh maps, Boolean algebra, DeMorgan's theorem. Numeric codes, arithmetic functions. Combinational circuits such as encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers, MSI, SSI. Overview of sequential logic. Introduction to microcomputers and microprocessors, and a detailed study of the MC68HC11 microprocessor. Hardware and software models including internal and external elements and buses, simple parallel I/O. Application of editor/assembler and operating system software to program, control and debug applications.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 70% · Assignments: 10% · Laboratory: 20%

Prescribed texts

Floyd T L Digital fundamentals 6th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Cady F M Software and hardware engineering Motorola M68HC11 Oxford University Press, 1997

Recommended texts

Greenfield J D 68HC11 microcontroller Saunders, 1992
Wray W C and Greenfield J D Using microprocessors and microcomputers 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1994
Data books for Logic Gates and microprocessors form the laboratory

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