
Fluid mechanics

L Soste

4 points · 12 hours of lectures, 13 hours of supported self-learning, 26 hours of tutorials and laboratory work · First semester · Gippsland/ Distance (2000) · Prerequisite: ENG1201

Objectives (a) to provide students with a sound understanding of the concepts and analysis of steady state incompressible fluid flow; (b) to develop functionality in correctly formulating and analysing a range of engineering problems associated with steady state incompressible fluid flow.

Synopsis Properties of Newtonian fluids. Awareness of how these properties vary with temperature and pressure. Pressure calculations, static forces on submerged surfaces. Fluid motion, basic descriptors, continuity equation. Momentum equation, application to a range of engineering problems. Energy equation for steady state incompressible flow: Introduction to boundary-layer formation, energy losses in pipes and ducts due to wall friction, Darcy-Weisbach and Colebrook-White equations, local energy losses due to fittings, energy grade line determination for a range of operating conditions in pipes and ducts. Flow measurement. Energy input at pumps and fans, energy grade lines. Energy conversion and fluid power. Introduction to pressure transients. Analysis of pipe networks. Extension of boundary layer concepts to introduce drag and lift forces. Introduction to open channel flow.

Assessment Preparation of four laboratory reports throughout the semester: 40% · Preparation of a literature review in an area of fluid mechanics: 10% · Examination (3 hours, open book): 50%

Prescribed texts

Gerhart P M, Gross R J and Hochstein J I Fundamentals of fluid mechanics 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992

Recommended texts

Douglas J R, Gasiorek J M and Swaffield J A Fluid mechanics 3rd edn, Longman, 1995

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