
Risk engineering

6 points · Full-year subject · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to acquire understanding of the concept of risk and human perception thereof and financial implications, risk control models applied to natural disasters, fire, flood, windstorm and earthquake, and familiarity with relevant laws, regulations and codes of conduct. The student will acquire the ability to measure, model, analyse and manage risk, and use the standards concerning natural and industrial hazards, and be able to exercise due diligence, make deliberate judgement as to the tolerability of risk and take a systematic approach to risk issues.

Synopsis This subject examines the human perception of risk, looks at risk terminology and system modelling and analysis and provides an understanding of the nature and origin of uncertainty and the application of scientific method. Other topics to be studied include loss forecasting and estimation methods for fire, explosion, and machine breakdown, use of design principles to prevent loss, human element in risk management programs, fire, flame, heat and smoke detection and suppression, flammable substances - handling and storage, protection against natural hazards; floods, windstorms, earthquake and fires, determination of risk reduction per dollar spent and optimisation of risk.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Assignment: 50%

Prescribed texts

To be advised.

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