
Basic quantitative skills

B Jenney

6 points · 78 hours · Gippsland/distance · Prerequisites: Familiarity with personal computer

Objectives To enable candidates to acquire a conceptual understanding of reliability sciences foundation theory. The student is expected to be familiar with the essential statistical background of reliability engineering. Students will also gain experience in method of data collection, manipulation and effective utilisation.

Synopsis This subject is divided into three different interactive sections as follows. (a) Introduction to reliability mathematics. The aim of this section is not to make candidates expert in the theory of statistics and probability, but rather to let them enjoy a conceptual understanding of the foundation theories on which reliability sciences are based. This section will be offered to ensure an easy and firm grasp of the subsequent reliability topics. (b) Reliability data analysis. The main aim of this section is to establish the required knowledge-base to analyse data related to reliability problems solving. The skills acquired through this section will help a candidate in sound decision making in regard to reliability assessment and improvement. (c) Computer applications in reliability engineering. This section will involve introducing students to reliability software packages available.

Assessment Examination: 60% · Assignment: 40%

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