
Industrial techniques in maintenance management

J Ang

6 points · 78 hours · Full-year subject · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to develop a deeper understanding of industrial techniques in maintenance management. The student is expected to become more proficient in the ability to apply the tasks and techniques involved in industrial relations and project management.

Synopsis Motivation and control of the maintenance workforce; industrial relations in a maintenance environment; problems associated with the production-maintenance interface; leadership styles and managerial assumptions about maintenance tradesmen. Work measurement, method study and activity sampling applied to maintenance activities; time management. Stock control of materials and parts within the maintenance function; design of stores layout; establishing stores coding, inventories, stock levels, re-order levels and purchasing procedures. Planning of shutdowns and major maintenance project activities using Gantt charts and critical path networks.

Assessment Examination: 60% · Assignments: 40%

Recommended texts

Relevant Australian Standards

Prescribed texts

Alexander R and Lewer J Understanding Australian industrial relations 4th edn, HBJ, 1996
Campbell J Uptime: Strategies for excellence in maintenance Productivity Press, 1995

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