
Maintenance management

J Ang

6 points · 78 hours · Full-year subject · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to develop a deeper understanding of maintenance management systems. The student is expected to become more proficient in the ability to apply the tasks and techniques involved in the development and operations of maintenance management systems.

Synopsis (1) Maintenance planning and control; objectives of the maintenance department; availability of plant; types of failures; types of maintenance; maintenance strategies. (2) Structures of maintenance departments; job descriptions of maintenance personnel; communication within the maintenance function; use of multi-skilled maintenance personnel. (3) Documentation and computer control systems; selection of appropriate manual or computerised control systems for a maintenance department. (4) The implementation of maintenance planning systems, including plant inventories; coding; asset registers; scheduling; resource planning; work order control; history and feedback. This subject includes a number of case studies in maintenance management.

Assessment Examination: 60% · Assignments: 40%

Prescribed texts

Campbell J Uptime: Strategies for excellence in maintenance Productivity Press, 1995

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