
Safety management

B Hastings

6 points · 78 hours · Second semester · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to develop an understanding of the importance of providing a safe working environment in organisations; an appreciation of the roles that governments, managers and employees play in establishing safe working practices; an understanding of the oral and legal requirements for safety. The student is also expected to be able to interpret the legal and statutory safety requirements; design and implement safety policies and procedures; identify unsafe working practices, plant and equipment and to develop appropriate solutions to make the workplace safe.

Synopsis Occupational safety and health organisation. Safety criteria - occupational accidents, occupational diseases. Fire prevention and protection. Working premises. Lighting. Climatic conditions. Noise and vibration. Exposure tests. Personal protective equipment. Fatigue of workers. Safety instructions and accident reporting and analysis. Statutory and emergency procedures. Permit to work systems. Liability for industrial injury. Introduction to risk analysis.

Assessment Examination: 50% · Assignments: 50%

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