
Industrial experience

K Cale

12 points · 156 hours · Full-year subject · Gippsland/distance

Objectives The student is expected to develop the ability to work in an industrial organisation; the ability to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the course to realistic work situations; the ability to apply course knowledge and skills to realistic work; to develop appropriate work skills; to work with other employees and to communicate with other employees.

Synopsis Students will be required to gain experience in a work situation which will enable them to appreciate and apply the knowledge and skills gained in the course. The type of experience will not be restricted to any particular area. It may be gained for example from employment in manufacturing, production, operations, service, or consulting companies, government or semi-government instrumentalities. Students who have not been previously employed in a suitable position will need to be employed for the equivalent of one year full-time in a position approved by the course coordinator.

Assessment Students without appropriate experience will need to submit three-monthly reports on the work carried out in their approved employment.

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